Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The things a president has gotta do!

The 2012-16 Presidency starts off with
  • Eastern seaboard hurricane recovery.
  • Winter housing for Sandy victims.
  • A successive storm threat.
  • Israeli threats to bomb Iran.
  • Israel at risk.
  • Iranian nuclear risks.
  • A major economic recovery.
  • Global climate change.
  • An approaching energy crisis.

This list is independent of who would have been voted into office. If this isn't enough for any presidency, both Obama and Romney had their own agendas. Obama will be dealing with his own to do list for the next four years, but what would have Romney's looked like? I think it would have gone something like this.

The Romney administration would have
  • Worked to dismantle Obamacare at the federal level.
  • Dedicated federal funds to overturn a Supreme Court ruling.
  • Cut taxes to all groups.
    • While still giving special exceptions to the middle and lower class.
  • Pass a legal definition of personage.
  • Expand camp X-Ray.

Obama on the other hand, will
  • Expand Obamacare.
  • Expand legal immigration to the US.
  • Expand Federal powers in detainment of individuals.

I cannot see any major difference, since the tasks either would have had to take on is a hell of a burden and personal projects should be set aside. Ron Paul was right about the important things being set aside for minor desires. Have a happy 4 years!

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