Monday, May 14, 2012

Photos from down town CPH

The metro underground in Copenhagen is at times a bit of a touchy issue. While Danes love public transportation, building it can bring some downsides and placement of stations is always a debate.

A historical church in down town Copenhagen. The Church of Our Lady, or Vores Fru. Kirke, is pretty impressive. It is like a temple with the focused function of providing places to sit while worshiping God. The stark contrasts of colors is done in Gimp, but the color behind the alter is true to the church's intent; they did provide the lighting, I only adjusted the saturation.

A pretty impressive plaza. This place is something like a gathering point for protests, artists and shoppers alike. Street merchants will peddle their goods here and you can sometimes find an interesting bit public art.

I have taken at least a few dozen photos of this theater. It is the movement of the car, the people walking and the bike which point out how close everything is packed together. You enter the theater in the archway. On either side are apartments, stores and a sushi restaurant.


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