Friday, September 12, 2008

First post of a short autobiography

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Peter. I was born and grew up in Chicago. I consider myself Chicagoian, first and formost. But I didn't have a normal life growing up, nor a healthy one for the matter. But my family, how it started and so on, is the norm for Chicago. Danish parents who moved to America for work. Bought a house and raised a child. So on and so forth. Most people would assume though, that they became American. Some times I wonder, if my dad really should have gone native, but no, they stayed Danish. Because they stayed Danish, I am what is called a dual citizen. That is to say, I have two passports and vote in two countries. Because I was born in America, I am by rights American and consider myself American. But, through the blood of my parents, I also am Danish.
What I intend to do with this blog, is to write about the first six years I have spent in Denmark, moving here in 2002. It is my way of documenting the past, so I can read it in the future. But I also wish to share my story. So here is the deal. I cannot update every single day, but I can write at the computer for an hour or so every day and save a draft. If you check back on saturdays, the blog should be updated with a well written post about my six first years in Denmark. I promise, this will be interesting.

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